Welcome to Master’s College of Theology!
MCT is a Theological Wing of Vision Natives (a Non-profit organization) and is an interdenominational Institution. Her faculty members belong to major Christian traditions and the students represent various places of India.
MCT is affiliated with Senate of Serampore College (University) since 2003 and also accredited by Asia Theological Association (ATA). We strive to pursue our mission through training students for a ‘holistic ministry’. We want to look in them scholars, teacher/pastors and dynamic leaders.
This Prospectus will inform and give details about Master’s College of Theology (MCT), its Vision and Mission. We believe that MCT will help you to achieve your ‘Call for Christian Ministry’ along with academic Excellency.
This College is set with all requirements to equip every person focusing to them minutely the art of campus discipline, worship, public life style and personal relationship with the Lord.
We look forward as you become a part of this ministry, the Lord will lead and guide your paths carefully towards a meaningful theological education.

In Christ,
Rev. Dr. Arjuna Rao Chiguluri
Founder & Director, MCT
Welcome to Master’s College of Theology!
Welcome to Master’s College of Theology (MCT), Visakhapatnam which is affiliated to Senate of Serampore College (University) and accredited by Asia Theological Association (ATA). It gives me immense pleasure to introduce you to this great Theological Education Institute.
The humble beginning of MCT can be traced back to the year 1992 when Rev. Dr. Arjuna Rao Chiguluri and his wife Mrs. Hema Arjun Rao, obeying to God’s Call to work among the people in and around Visakhapatnam, started Church Planting Ministry in Gajuwaka. From the beginning they had the desire to train young men and women for Christian Ministry.
With this Vision in 1996 “Diploma in Theology” with one year duration in Telugu medium was started. It was conducted in a rented building with nine students who sat on the floor for their classes. During 1997-2000 this was moved to a bigger house where they continued to be trained both in English and Telugu. In 2000 they moved to the present campus in Kommadi, Madhurawada where temporary sheds were erected for the stay and training of the students. By then the students were trained for “Bachelor of Theology” degree. In 2002 God helped in the construction of the buildings. Realizing the need for broader theologically trained mission workers to serve the church and society, the management of Master’s College of Theology approached the Senate of Serampore College (University), West Bengal for affiliation in 2003.
As desired by God’s people and ordained by God, MCT received Provisional Affiliation status from the Senate of Serampore College to offer “Bachelor of Theology” (B.Th.) degree program from the academic year 2003-04. In 2006 MCT got the full affiliation. During these years the College grew in number. More teaching faculty members were added. Volumes increased in the library. In 2007 affiliation for “Bachelor of Divinity” (BD) was sought and it was granted. God gave a good team of well qualified and committed faculty members who propelled the College to excellence.
From the year 2016 MCT started offering “Bachelor of Theology” (B.Th.) degree with “Candidacy Status” under Asia Theological Association (ATA) and also started “Master of Divinity” (M.Div.) as external studies. In 2018 MCT received accreditation status by Asia Theological Association.
In November 2019 Senate meetings held in Hyderabad, the Senate of Serampore College (University) has decided to reintroduce B.Th. studies from the academic year 2020-2021. Senate has granted permission to MCT to offer the same from 2020-2021. In the light of this, MCT besides offering Bachelor of Divinity (BD) will also be offering B.Th. studies under Senate of Serampore College (University) and Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) under Asia Theological Association as fulltime residential theological education programmes, MCT is also offering Bachelor of Christian Studies {BCS} (under Senate of Serampore College) and Master of Divinity {M.Div} (under ATA as external programmes. The details of the academic programmes are given below.
God blessed MCT mightily with a spacious, quite and green campus, good infrastructure and an updated library with internet facilities and access to Ebooks. We have well qualified and committed faculty members. Training “Servant Leaders” is our motto, and for this we give equal importance to theologizing both as an academic exercise as well as a praxiological commitment.

In Christ,
Rev. Dr. K. David Udayakumar

Vision & Mission Statement
MCT maintains her vision in Theological and Educational Mission and plays a vital role in shaping the students as spiritual gatherers of all nations to the Master, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and in building the Kingdom of God.
MCT strives to equip the Nationals as godly and dynamic leaders to serve as stewards, scholars, teachers, pastors and evangelists to the Church at large with reference to the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20).
MCT is owned, supported and governed by Vision Natives. It encourages participation from all denominations. Therefore, it is an interdenominational body. MCT is Evangelical in its spirit, thought, work and spiritual life.
Master’s College of Theology (MCT) prepares Men and Women to serve our Master Jesus Christ in ministries marked by Faith, Integrity, Scholarship, Competence, Compassion and Joy. MCT is dedicated to equip students to practice Servant Model Leadership at local, national and international levels through classroom teachings with Social and Public concerns.
MCT affirms the sovereignty of the Triune God over all Creation. It brings the Gospel of Jesus Christ as God’s saving word for all people. MCT promotes power of the Word and Spirit in life and the unity of the church throughout the world. This commitment frames both the Academic and Practical Training at MCT.
In response to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, the College offers its theological scholarship to the renewal of the Church’s Life and Mission, and engages Christian faith with intellectual, political, social and economic perspectives in pursuit of truth, justice, peace, love and compassion.
- It is geared toward training Servant – Leaders.
- Along with academic excellence, practical experience is emphasized. Various means for practical work is followed through involving in Church & Mission Work; working with children and widows and other similar activities.
- Care and Counselling process is observed to each student for personal maturity and character building.
We believe
- The Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments as verbally inspired by God and inerrant in the original writings.
- In One God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three persons namely, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The Lord Jesus Christ was begotten by the Father God, born of the Virgin Mary, and that He is true God and true Man who died on the Cross for our sins, was raised from the dead, ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Majesty as our High Priest and Advocate.
- The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and to convict the world of sin, regenerate, and seal, indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believers for godly living and service.
- All human beings are created in the image of God but sinned and are therefore lost and that only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained.
- That men and women are saved and justified before God only through the shed blood of Christ and are born again by the work of the Holy Spirit.
- The Church is the Body of Christ, composed of all born-again persons in this present age. The mission of the Church is to witness concerning Jesus Christ, to preach the Gospel among all nations and to perform works of service.
- That Water Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed by the Church during the present age. However, they are not a means of Salvation.
- In the personal, visible, pre-millennial and imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- In the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those that are saved to the resurrection of life, and those that are unsaved to judgment and punishment.